[R-sig-DB] RODBC / MySQL magical limit of 32 Kbyte
Peter Meißner
peter@me|@@ner @end|ng |rom un|-kon@t@nz@de
Wed Nov 27 15:34:52 CET 2013
Thanks for the reply,
I think I found the problem: There seems to be a "sanity check" when
downloading information:
if (datalen > 65535) datalen = 65535
If I understand this right, it just truncates each and every download of
information above 65535.
So the problem was(is) package related and might be dealt with by
recompiling the source:
download source;
unzip it;
RStudio->create project->from existing;
open src/RODBC.c;
change "if (datalen > 65535) datalen = 65535"
to "/* if (datalen > 65535) datalen = 65535 */");
build binary and than install this binary)
so far it works without problems.
Best, Peter
PS.: Now that I have learnt to compile packages I might also try to get
RMySQL running.
Am 27.11.2013 10:45, schrieb Edward Vanden Berghe:
> Hi Peter,
> I've had similar problems, with information that got truncated through an RODBC connection - on Windows 64 bits, with RODBC on a PostgreSQL database, with large PostGIS entries. Unfortunately I can't replicate the problem now as I moved on to Ubuntu now. For me the solution was to go to DBI/RPostgreSQL.
> Did you try DBI? Even if you want to stick with RODBC in the future, it might assist in isolating the problem.
> Cheers,
> Edward
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-sig-db-bounces using r-project.org [mailto:r-sig-db-bounces using r-project.org] On Behalf Of Peter Meißner
> Sent: 26 November 2013 18:02
> To: r-sig-db using r-project.org
> Subject: [R-sig-DB] RODBC / MySQL magical limit of 32 Kbyte
> Dear listeners,
> I try to use a MySQL database (with RODBC) for storing files. Above a file size of 32 KB I seem to hit a wall and the code below that serves me well otherwise fails to store and retrieve the whole file - only parts come back (although it seems that the whole file was stored in the database).
> Is this normal? Does somebody have an idea if this is database related or due to R or RODBC or if my code just is nuts?
> Any suggestions for where to look for for a solution are more than welcome.
> Best, Peter
> System:
> R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01) -- "Security Blanket"
> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
> DBMS Version: "5.6.13"
> Driver_ODBC_Ver: "03.51"
> Driver Name: "myodbc5w.dll"
> Driver Version: "05.02.0005"
> SQL ot create the table:
> CREATE TABLE files (id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT, file longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id));
> # define file for upload
> fileIn <- "Hallo1.docx"
> # define name of file to store data in
> fileOut <- "Hallo1Copy.docx"
> # read in file
> dataIn <- readBin(fileIn, what="raw", n=file.info(fileIn)$size)
> # collapse string
> dataInString <- paste(dataIn,collapse="")
> # loading package
> require(RODBC)
> # establishing connection
> con <- odbcConnect("MyDatabase",rows_at_time = 1, believeNRows = FALSE)
> # uploading data to column file in table files
> dataDBString <- dataInString
> sql <- paste0("INSERT INTO files (file) VALUES ('",dataDBString,"') ;")
> sqlQuery(con, sql)
> # downloading data again
> res <- sqlQuery(con,
> "SELECT file FROM files WHERE id = (SELECT max(id) FROM files) ;",
> stringsAsFactors=F, rows_at_time=1,
> as.is=T)
> dataOutString <- res$file
> # closing connection
> odbcClose(con)
> # splitting data
> dataOut <- substring( dataOutString,
> seq(1, nchar(dataOutString), 2),
> seq(2, nchar(dataOutString), 2))
> # checking how many bytes of dataIn and dataOut are identical
> # --> there seems to be a magical wall above 32813 bytes (665626 characters)
> print(table(dataIn==dataOut))
> # write to file and check if file works
> writeBin(as.raw(as.hexmode(dataOut)) , fileOut)
> browseURL(fileOut)
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Peter Meißner
Workgroup 'Comparative Parliamentary Politics'
Department of Politics and Administration
University of Konstanz
Box 216
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88 5665
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