[R-sig-DB] R 2.81 crashes with MYSQL 5.31

Jeffrey Horner je||@horner @end|ng |rom v@nderb||t@edu
Thu Feb 19 16:45:58 CET 2009

Jim Burke wrote on 02/18/2009 11:17 PM:
> R crashes with the following code. Lots of us would really would like to 
> use R with MYSQL.
> So please help. As mentioned in another note, where might I find a 5.0 
> libmySQL.dll?
> PROBLEM A: the dbSendQuery (see below) SQL crashes R. Wants to send an 
> error report to Microsoft. (MAJOR)
> PROBLEM B: the initial library load points to an ancient mysql version. 
> (minor)
> ----------------------------
> OS..........: Win XP sp3
> R...........: 2.8.1
> RMySQL.dll..: 0.7-3
> MYSQL.......: 5.31
> libmySQL.dll: 1/23/2009 3:45am (no version info, tsk tsk tsk Sun 
> Microsystems)
> ----------------------------
>  > library(RMySQL)
> Loading required package: DBI
> Warning message:
> In inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
>   RMySQL was compiled with MySQL 5.0.67 but loading MySQL 5.1.31 instead!
>   This may cause problems with your database connections.
>   Please install MySQL 5.0.67.
>   If you have already done so, you may need to set your environment
>   variable MYSQL_HOME to the proper install directory.

Sigh... I was really hoping the above warning would be helpful.

The web address for the RMySQL package is:


Please read that and follow the recommendations.

For MySQL 5.0, downloads are here:




>  > mycon <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user='root', dbname="mysql", 
> password='f5^b678&')
>  > rs <- dbSendQuery(mycon,
> +      "SELECT *
> +      FROM precinct
> +      WHERE `Precinct-Ballot Style` LIKE '1120%';"
> +      )
> Thanks,
> Jim Burke
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