[R-sig-DB] RSQLite enhancements
Ashish Kulkarni
@@h|@h@ku|k@rn| @end|ng |rom k@|yptor|@k@com
Fri Oct 20 17:11:23 CEST 2006
Seth created a branch for me on which I've made merged the
changes, which is at:
Version 0.4-7
* Upgraded to SQLite 3.3.8
* Use .SQLitePkgName instead of hard-coding the package name when
using .Call
* The SQLite driver has a new logical parameter "shared.cache" to
enable the shared-cache mode, which allows multiple connections
to share a single data and schema cache. See
* dbConnect() now has a logical parameter "loadable.extensions"
which will allow loading of extensions. See the Loadable
Extensions documentation:
* Implemented dbCommit() and dbRollback(). There is also a new
generic method dbBeginTransaction(), which begins a transaction.
Note that this is an extension to the DBI interface.
* Update to the SQLite 3 API for fetching records. This means that
the records are pulled from the database as required, and not
cached in memory as was previously done.
* Added generic methods dbSendPreparedQuery() and dbGetPreparedQuery()
which are similiar to dbSendQuery() and dbGetQuery(), but take an
extra "bind.data" parameter, which is a data frame. The statement
is assumed to contain bind variables. Bind variables are either
for a column name (":name" or "@name") or for a column index ("?")
in the data frame. See http://sqlite.org/capi3ref.html for more details.
dbGetPreparedQuery(con, "INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (:col1)",
data.frame(col1=c(1, 2)) )
Each bind variable in the query has to be bound only once, either via
named or positional parameters. If it is not bound or is bound more
than once (due to a mix or positional/named parameters) an error is
thrown. Any extra columns in the data frame are ignored.
If you are having a lot of string parameters, ensuring that they
are wrapped via calls to I() would reduce allocated memory, as
by default string vectors are converted to factors. See ?I
and ?data.frame for more details.
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