[R-pkgs] sensobol 1.0.0. (variance-based sensitivity analysis)

Protonmail @rn@|d@puy @end|ng |rom pm@me
Fri Jan 29 14:33:59 CET 2021

sensobol: an R package to compute variance-based sensitivity indices

Sensobol 1.0.0 is already in CRAN, and a detailed vignette can be found in CRAN and in arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.10103

It allows to rapidly compute, bootstrap and plot up to third-order Sobol'-based sensitivity indices using several state-of-the-art first and total-order estimators. Sobol' indices can be computed either for models that yield a scalar as a model output or for systems of differential equations. The package also provides a suit of benchmark tests functions and several options to obtain publication-ready figures of the model output uncertainty and sensitivity-related analysis.
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