[R-pkgs] crypto: Historical cryptocurrency market data for all digital currencies

Jesse Vent cryptop@ck@ge @ending from icloud@com
Tue May 29 16:40:56 CEST 2018

## [crypto 1.0.1]

Dear R users and enthusiasts,

After several months in the public domain, the first major version of the ‘crypto’ package was just released on CRAN with some new features and bug fixes.

The R package that provides historic OHLC crypto currency market data for ALL coins and exchanges.

The **crypto** package is the R resource to go to for anything crypto currency related and includes a variety of different functions to extract data about the crypto currency markets. 

Featured on Kaggle as the 35th most popular dataset, it is quickly becoming the go-to resource for crypto currency market information in the data science community.
- crypto_history()		Retrieves OHLC historical crypto currency data  
- crypto_prices()		Retrieves current crypto currency prices  
- crypto_list()			Retrieves list of all crypto currencies  
- crypto_exchanges()	Retrieves all crypto exchanges and their listings  
- crypto_xts()			Converts/summarises historical data into xts objects  
- daily_market()		Time series market data perfect for charts and visualisation  
- global_market()		Global market time series for all coins or alt-coins

> Now featuring enhanced localisation support for different encoding standards.

CRAN:	https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=crypto <https://cran.r-project.org/package=crypto>
Github: 	https://github.com/JesseVent/crypto <https://github.com/JesseVent/crypto>
Kaggle: 	https://www.kaggle.com/jessevent/all-crypto-currencies <https://www.kaggle.com/jessevent/all-crypto-currencies>

All suggestions, comments and feedback are welcome

Best regards, 

Jesse V.
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