[R-pkgs] Updated package: g.data v1.4

David Brahm brahm at alum.mit.edu
Fri Oct 17 18:04:04 CEST 2003

Version 1.4 of package "g.data" is available on CRAN.  This upgrade is
necessary for it to work under R-1.8.0, and is fully backward compatible.

Description: Create and maintain delayed-data packages (DDP's).  Data stored in
  a DDP are available on demand, but do not take up memory until requested.
  You attach a DDP with g.data.attach(), then read from it and assign to it in
  a manner similar to S-Plus, except that you must run g.data.save() to
  actually commit to disk.

Thanks very much to <brian at dumbaz.com> for pointing out the incompatibility.
(Sorry, Brian, a direct reply to you bounced.)  "g.data" basically creates mock
packages (DDP's) to contain the data, and in R-1.8.0 a package needs a
DESCRIPTION file to be recognized by .find.package().  Note you will need
temporary write access to any existing (pre-1.4) DDP's, as g.data.attach() will
try to create a DESCRIPTION file for any DDP that doesn't already have one.
                              -- David Brahm (brahm at alum.mit.edu)

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