[R-pkgs] Updated package: Boolean v1.03

Bear F. Braumoeller bfbraum at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Oct 14 19:42:21 CEST 2003

Version 1.03 of the R package boolean has been uploaded to CRAN and is 
now available.

boolean implements partial-observability logit and probit models for 
testing Boolean hypotheses.  It permits researchers to model the 
probability of the occurrence of a given outcome as a complex function 
of the probabilities that other outcomes will occur (or other 
conditions will be fulfilled).  For example, if p(Y) = p(A) * p(B) 
(that is, A and B jointly produce Y, and the absence of either 
precludes it), the boolean routine models p(A) and p(B) as logit or 
probit curves and p(Y) as their product.  Similarly, if A or B produces 
Y, p(Y) = 1 - [(1-p(A)) * (1-p(B))] becomes the functional form, again 
with p(A) and p(B) estimated as logit/probit curves.  Arbitrarily 
convoluted combinations -- e.g., (A and B) or (C and D) produces Y; or, 
p(Y) = 1 - [1-p(A)*p(B)] * [1-p(C)*p(D)] -- can be estimated, and 
dependence of probabilities can be modeled by including some of the 
same independent variables in the separate logit or probit equations.  
The derivation is in Braumoeller, "Causal Complexity and the Study of 
Politics," Political Analysis 11(3), 209-233.

Version 1.03 is a service update which ensures that all documentation, 
in particular the documentation of S4 methods objects, is compatible 
with R 1.8.  Previous versions will produce warnings upon compilation.

Bear F. Braumoeller
Assistant Professor
Department of Government
Harvard University

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