[R-pkg-devel] Help needed with CRAN check error under MacOS and old-rel

Spencer Graves @pencer@gr@ve@ @end|ng |rom e||ect|vede|en@e@org
Sun Jun 30 13:32:39 CEST 2024

Hello, Pedro et al.:

	  Your package is on GitHub with GitHub Actions.[1] If whoever manages 
GitHub actions feels inclined to add macos-latest (oldrel-1), this would 
be one argument for doing that, though this kind of problem may be too 
rare to justify the expense. That's particularly true since it's with 

	  However, the fact that your ggpp package is available on GitHub would 
make it easy with a Mac user with oldrel installed to run that for you. 
If you don't the problem fixed from help on this list, you could try 

	  I just noticed that the error is in a vignette. I don't know if 
vignettes are run by GitHub Actions. I recently had a latent bug in a 
vignette reported to me by another user who updated a package that 
depended on mine. It was apparently reported to him by 
revdepcheck::revdep_check. I found the bug in the vignette and added a 
small test cases to add to the examples of the problem function. Then I 
fixed the problem (with help from Ivan Krylov on this list).

	  hope this helps.
	  spencer graves



On 6/30/24 04:17, Aphalo, Pedro J wrote:
> Hello,
> A few days ago I submitted to CRAN an updated version of package 'ggpp', it passed checks during submission and version 0.5.8 is now on CRAN. However I see errors for old-rel only for MacOS at https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_ggpp.html and I am stuck as I do not have where to rerun this test.
> The error itself is surprising as it seems to be caused by not finding df1, which is just a data frame defined in a code chunk in the same vignette, which uses 'pkgdown'. This error is limited to MacOS R old-rel but affects both arm64 and x86_64. (For either of these, I could not find a working setup for GitHub integration or at https://mac.r-project.org/macbuilder/submit.html).
> The offending code is in nudge-examples.Rmd starting at line 250. This file was last modified six-months' ago, i.e., it is the same as in the previous CRAN version of 'ggpp'.
> (I would rather track the origin of the problem than disable all three possibly affected code examples.)
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Pedro.
> ________________________________
> Pedro J. Aphalo
> Senior University Lecturer, Principal Investigator
> (Room 5605, Biocenter 3, Viikinkaari 1, Helsinki)
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