[R-pkg-devel] accessing data folder Warning/Error

Yana Outkin youtk|n1 @end|ng |rom @w@rthmore@edu
Tue Jun 11 17:18:44 CEST 2024

I am currently in the process of submitting a package to CRAN. I am having
difficulties with the example section in Summary.Rd

I placed the data in a folder called data-raw, which contains a metadata
file, textgrid file, and a README.md description of the data. This package
builds on existing software that generate these metadata and textgrids
files. The current package processes and plots this data.

When I run the R CMD check, the working directory is set to a folder
(.Rcheck) within the package, so I reset working directory with
setwd(".."), to be able to access the data-raw folder. This gives a

Is there a different way I can access my example dataset?

Thank you!
Yana Outkin

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