[R-pkg-devel] An issue regarding the authors field in DESCRIPTION

Ruwani Herath ruw@n|r@@@nj@||h @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon May 13 15:33:04 CEST 2024

I have submitted an R package and I got the following notes from the CRAN
test. I couldn't find what should be the change I have to do to correct
this issue. Please check this and guide me to solve the issue.

* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: 'Ruwani Herath <ruwanirasanjalih using gmail.com>'

* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE

Author field differs from that derived from Authors using R
  Author:    'Ruwani Herath [aut,cre,cph,com], Leila Amiri [ctb],
Mahmoud Torabi [ctb]'
  Authors using R: 'Ruwani Herath [aut, cre, cph, com], Leila Amiri [ctb],
Mahmoud Torabi [ctb]'

This is what I entered in DESCRIPTION field.

Authors using R: c(person(given = "Ruwani", family = "Herath", role = c("aut","cre"),
                    email = "ruwanirasanjalih using gmail.com"),
	     person(given = "Leila", family = "Amiri",  role = "ctb"),
             person(given = "Mahmoud", family = "Torabi", role = "ctb"))

Authors: Ruwani Herath [aut, cre],
  Leila Amiri [ctb],
  Mahmoud Torabi [ctb]
Maintainer: Ruwani Herath <ruwanirasanjalih using gmail.com>

Thank you.



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