[R-pkg-devel] Overcoming CRAN's 5mb vendoring requirement

Josiah Parry jo@|@h@p@rry @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed May 8 17:02:20 CEST 2024

I am sorry for blowing up this thread lately.

I've submitted a package to CRAN that uses Rust which thus requires
dependencies to be vendored. https://github.com/R-ArcGIS/arcgisutils/

The vendored dependencies are 18mb when zipped and 16.4mb when zipped with
XZ -9e. The *installed package size is 1.2mb* on my Mac.

CRAN has rejected this package with:

*   Size of tarball: 18099770 bytes*

*Please reudce to less than 5 MB for a CRAN package.*

Due to the requirement to vendor my dependencies. I do not see any possible
way to compress 250mb of source code to <= 5mb.

I suspect there are alternatives which have been handled in one-off
situations given that other packages require fairly large system
dependencies e.g. Arrow, DuckDB, torch etc.

How do others handle this?

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