[R-pkg-devel] May .External2() be used in packages?

Konrad Rudolph konr@d@rudo|ph @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed May 1 13:02:45 CEST 2024


Is the `.External2()` function part of the public API, and can it be used
in R packages submitted to CRAN? I would like to start using it in a
package, and there *are* packages on CRAN which use it. But its man page
[1] calls it “internal”, R-exts doesn’t mention it at all (unlike `.C()`,
`.Call()` and `.External()`), and it doesn’t have any actual documentation.
In the context of the recent tightening of the C API CRAN rules, this makes
me concerned that `.External2()` might be next on the chopping block.



Konrad Rudolph // @klmr

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