[R-pkg-devel] Suggesting an archived package in the DESCRIPTION file

Yohann Foucher yoh@nn@|oucher @end|ng |rom un|v-po|t|er@@|r
Wed Mar 6 18:27:35 CET 2024

Dear all,

Thank you for your proposals and discussions. Accordingly, because it seems there is no relevant alternative, I decided to propose an update of the « survivalmodels » instead of the initial maintener for repositioning it in the main CRAN repository and avoid the archiving of my package.

Thanks again.


> Le 5 mars 2024 à 22:25, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd using debian.org> a écrit :
> On 5 March 2024 at 15:12, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> | On 05/03/2024 2:26 p.m., Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> | > The default behaviour is to build after every commit to the main branch.  But
> | > there are options. On the repo I mentioned we use
> | > 
> | >      "branch": "*release",
> | 
> | Where do you put that?  I don't see r2u on R-universe, so I guess you're 
> | talking about a different repo; which one?
> In the (optional) control repo that can drive your 'r-universe', and the file
> has to be named 'packages.json'. For you the repo would
>    https://github.com/dmurdoch/dmurdoch.r-universe.dev
> (and the naming rule was tightened by Jeroen recently -- we used to call
> these just 'universe', now it has to match your runiverse)
> The file packages.json would then have a block
>  {
>    "package": "rgl",
>    "maintainer": "Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com>"
>    "url": "https://github.com/dmurdoch/rgl",
>    "available": true,
>    "branch": "*release"
>  }
> The reference I mentioned is our package 'tiledbsoma' (joint work of TileDB
> and CZI, in https://github.com/single-cell-data/TileDB-SOMA) and described here:
> https://github.com/TileDB-Inc/tiledb-inc.r-universe.dev/blob/master/packages.json 
> (and you can ignore the '"subdir": "apis/r"' which is a facet local to that repo).
> Note that 'my' packages.json in my eddelbuettel.r-universe.dev ie
> https://github.com/eddelbuettel/eddelbuettel.r-universe.dev/blob/master/packages.json
> also describe but without the '"branch": "*release"' and that builds with every merge to
> the main branch by my choice; that build is mine and 'inofficial' giving us two.
> | > It is under your control. You could document how to install via `remotes`
> | > from that branch.  As so often, it's about trading one thing off for another.
> | 
> | I do that, but my documentation falls off the bottom of the screen, and 
> | the automatic docs generated by R-universe are at the top.
> I always get lost in the r-universe docs too. Some, as Jeroen kindly reminded
> me the other day, are here:  https://github.com/r-universe-org
> Dirk
> -- 
> dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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