[R-pkg-devel] Inquiry Regarding Package Organization in CRAN

Michael Dewey ||@t@ @end|ng |rom dewey@myzen@co@uk
Sat Jan 20 12:41:59 CET 2024

Dear Andriy

I would second the advice that David and Ivan have already given.

I woouls also add that I suspect that most users search for packages by 
functionality so you might want to study techniques for search engine 
optimisation and then advise authors how to increase the visibility of 
their packages.

If the goal is just to record all package from your university then why 
not establish a page on your university website which links to all of 
them? The main problem there will be updating it after you have 
graduated and moved institutions.


On 19/01/2024 14:34, Protsak Andriy via R-package-devel wrote:
> Hi all!
> My name is Andriy, and I�m a student at University of Alcal�, currently working on my final year project.
> I�m tasked with organizing the R packages developed by our university that are currently available on CRAN. The goal is to enhance their discoverability, to achieve this the initial focus is on exploring the possibility of renaming the packages so that they share a common prefix, making it easier for uses to locate them in the package list.
> If you believe there are alternative strategies to achieve a similar result, please feel free to share your perspective.
> Additionally, I�m looking into the prospect of merging two packages that contain similar functionalities. The aim is to create a more comprehensive package by incorporation additional features and ensuring seamless compatibility.
> Your assistance is key to the successful completion of my final year project, and I would be immensely grateful for any insights you can provide. Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Best regards,
> Andriy
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