[R-pkg-devel] How to create a macos-arm64 virtual machine/cloud environment to debug R package?

Tim Taylor t|m@t@y|or @end|ng |rom h|ddene|eph@nt@@co@uk
Wed Dec 6 11:12:53 CET 2023

This is just a punt from a quick glance at your tests. Try using the following on your local build to ensure it's not a time zone issue

`TZ=NZ R CMD check --as-cran`

`Apologies if this is just noise but whenever I've had issues with datetimes and mac tests this is the first thing I check.`


On Wed, 6 Dec 2023, at 9:28 AM, Vincent van Hees wrote:
> Hello,
> What is the recommended way to create a virtual machine or cloud based R
> environment for debugging R package issues specific to OS macos-arm64?
> Details:
> CRAN results show macos-arm64 specific problems for my package:
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_GGIR.html. I am able to
> reproduce them with https://mac.r-project.org/macbuilder/submit.html. I
> suspect something goes wrong with the timestamp creation or handling as
> that has caused issues with this OS for me in the past. All this relates to
> this
> <https://github.com/wadpac/GGIR/blob/master/tests/testthat/test_part5_analyseRest.R>
> test for this
> <https://github.com/wadpac/GGIR/blob/master/R/g.part5.analyseRest.R>
> function, that in the process calls this
> <https://github.com/wadpac/GGIR/blob/master/R/POSIXtime2iso8601.R> short
> function. I have been trying some edits locally and re-submitting them to
> macbuilder a couple of times to no avail. To debug this efficiently it
> would be good to have access to an R environment for this OS. I do not have
> a physical macos myself.
> Vincent
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