[R-pkg-devel] Additional_packages in drat repositories

Claborne, Daniel d@n|e|@c|@borne @end|ng |rom pnn|@gov
Thu Nov 9 08:01:30 CET 2023

I have a data package �pmartRdata� hosted in a drat repository here:  https://github.com/pmartR/drat following the instructions here:  https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/drat/vignettes/DratStepByStep.html

The package installs fine via install.packages(�pmartRdata�, repos = �https://pmartR.github.io/drat�).  I have included it under Suggests and added �https://pmartR.github.io/drat� to the Additional_repositories field in the DESCRIPTION of a package I am submitting to CRAN.  I�m getting failures on Debian/R-devel and Windows/R-devel when running examples that use this package:

`Error in library(pmartRdata) : there is no package called �pmartRdata�`

Checks on rhub via `rhub::check_for_cran` for ubuntu,fedora, and windows do not have this problem.  What do I need to do to get it to install on CRAN submission machines?

-Daniel Claborne

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