[R-pkg-devel] The problem with resubmitting the package to the Cran

Karolina Marek k@ro||n@@m@rek10 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 8 17:54:30 CET 2023


I have the following case. I would like to resubmit a package to the Cran -
per ARMA, which was archived on 2022-05-25, as it required the archived
package 'matlab'. The new version of the 'matlab' was resubmitted to the
Cran on 2022-06-01. So we would like that our package will also return to
the Cran. I didn't change anything significant in the code inside. However,
when I try to submit the package, I receive the following NOTES:

 checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE

* checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... NOTE
Found the following files/directories:

I don't know really what this note mean and can I put the package
anyway to Cran?

Best regards,


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