[R-pkg-devel] Package bioOED has been removed from CRAN just for personal reasons

David Hugh-Jones d@v|dhughjone@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 3 12:30:05 CET 2023


Martin, I am very sorry you spent all that time. I am sceptical that this
is a correct interpretation of the law, given what I see on Twitter daily,
and I would not take a university as an authority on this. But that is
neither here nor there – if I made you waste your time, that's my bad and
I'm sorry.

More generally, I have absolutely no wish to spend time beating up on any
individual – and people have kindly sent comments off-list that gave me
context about the specific case. But persistent rudeness is harmful, and
there ought to be a way to address it. Many projects use codes of conduct
for this purpose.


On Fri, 3 Nov 2023 at 11:15, Martin Maechler <maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch>

> Dear R-package-devel readers *and* notably writers,
> In Europe there are (diverse) laws about privacy etc, and those,
> (and/or some politeness) do not allow
> free citing of private e-mail communications in public
> nor ad hominem remarks in such public communication.
> For this reason, I (as mailing list co-maintainer, and notably
> responsible for the lawfulness of the public mailing list archives on
> our web server) now spent about 2 hours  to carefully obey such
> privacy requirements (carefully editing + recreating all the html
> archives).
> {In another similar case, my employer, ETH Zurich, did urge me
> "from above" to spend my time with such a tedious and ungratifying job ...}
> This is *NOT* something I'd be happy to redo.
> So *please* do not misuse such a public mailing list and do keep
> your private opinions private in such a case in the future!
> >>>>> Spencer Graves  on Thu, 2 Nov 2023 15:29:29 -0500 writes:
>     > On 11/2/23 2:52 PM, Rolf Turner wrote:
>     >>
>     >> On Wed, 1 Nov 2023 16:10:34 +0000 David Hugh-Jones wrote:
>     >>
>     >>> Aside from the package question, surely the other issue
>     >>> here is that ........’s email is extraordinarily
>     >>> rude. Any paid employee would be sacked for that. I
>     >>> appreciate R and CRAN are volunteer-run organisations,
>     >>> but I don’t think that should be an excuse for this
>     >>> level of, frankly, toxicity. Why is he allowed to get
>     >>> away with it?
>     >>>
>     >>> David
>     >>
>     >> I've just had a look at the initial posting in this
>     >> thread
>     >>
>     >> and can see nothing rude or offensive in the email
>     >> that was copied and pasted into that  posting.
>     >>
>     >> I find *your* email far more offensive than anything that
>     >> .... has ever written.  Get a life.
>     >>
>     >> cheers,
>     >>
>     >> Rolf Turner
>     >>
>     >> P.S.  See fortunes::fortune(88).
>     >>
>     >> R. T.
>     > Hi, David:
> [............]
>     >     I've been in the military, and I've learned to ignore
>     > the tone and look for the value in comments I
>     > receive. I've learned a lot from ............, and
>     > others. When the tone seemed less supportive or even
>     > insulting, I'm very glad the person took the time to
>     > comment and didn't decide not to reply for fear of
>     > offending me. I'm more productive and a better human for
>     > all the help I've gotten from this and other R-related
>     > lists.
>     > fortunes::fortune('Spencer Graves')
> which can you get 4 different answers; using `showMatches` argument
> (which I think I had added), e.g. now gives
> > fortune("Spencer Graves", showMatches = TRUE)
> Matching row numbers: 90, 124, 177, 271
> Rolf Turner: In the middle of a Saturday morning (in my Time Zone!) I send
> out a plea for help, and in
> just over 20 minutes my problem is solved!
> I don't think you get service like that anywhere else. This R-help list is
> Spencer Graves: 'The sun never sets on the (former) British Empire.'
> Today, it never sets on R-Help.
>    -- Rolf Turner and Spencer Graves
>       R-help (May 2005)
> and then
> > fortune(90)
> Our great-great grandchildren as yet unborn may read some of the stupid
> questions and/or answers that I
> and perhaps others give from time to time. I'd rather get flamed for
> saying something stupid in public on
> this list than to continue to provide substandard service to the people
> with whom I work because I
> perpetrated the same mistake in an environment in which no one questioned
> so effectively my errors.
>    -- Spencer Graves (in a discussion on whether answers on R-help should
> be more polite)
>       R-help (December 2004)
>     >     sg
> Martin
> --
> Martin Maechler
> ETH Zurich  and  R Core team
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