[R-pkg-devel] "crossprod" is not a BUILTIN function

Plamen Mirazchiyski p|@men@m|r@zch|y@k| @end|ng |rom |ner|@org
Thu Oct 26 17:12:43 CEST 2023

I apologize for misreading Ivan's first email. I now installed from the 
tar.gz source file, everything worked as expected.

Thank you both for the thorough explanations.


On 10/26/23 16:20, Ivan Krylov wrote:
> В Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:43:54 +0200
> Plamen Mirazchiyski <plamen.mirazchiyski using ineri.org> пишет:
>> If I understand Ivan's email, my package should work on R 4.3.1, but
>> what about newer versions?
> The source package (the .tar.gz file obtained using R CMD build) will
> keep working fine on both R 4.3 and R 4.4.
> The binary package (the .zip file obtained using R CMD INSTALL --build
> and produced on Win-Builder) is only guaranteed to work with the R
> version that was used to build the binary package.
> This is the reason why https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RALSA offers
> a single download of the source package...
>>> Package source: 	RALSA_1.3.5.tar.gz
> ...but multiple, separate downloads of binary versions of the package,
> for R-4.4, R-4.3, and R-4.2:
>>> Windows binaries: 	r-devel: RALSA_1.3.5.zip, r-release:
>>> RALSA_1.3.5.zip, r-oldrel: RALSA_1.3.5.zip

Plamen Mirazchiyski, PhD
International Educational Research and Evaluation Institute
24 Tehnološki park
SI-1000 Ljubljana
tel.: +386 51 303 817
email: plamen.mirazchiyski using ineri.org

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