[R-pkg-devel] published CRAN check results give error for only r-oldrel-macos-arm64

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 13 12:01:50 CEST 2023

On Fri, 13 Oct 2023 09:11:20 +0000
Tony Wilkes <tony_a_wilkes using outlook.com> wrote:

> My R package has yesterday been accepted by CRAN. I'm super happy
> about this, of course. But when I look at the package's CRAN check
> results (see
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_tinycodet.html),
> I see that r-oldrel-macos-arm64 has latex errors.

The difference is that the r-oldrel-windows-x86_64 checks are running
R-4.2.3, but r-oldrel-macos-arm64 are running R-4.2.0. I can reproduce
the issue with R-4.2.0, and it's in the s_regex help page. Here's the
relevant difference in the intermediate *.tex files:

 The \LinkA{\Rpercent{}s-\Rpercent{}}{.Rpcent.s.Rdash..Rpcent.} and \LinkA{\Rpercent{}s/\Rpercent{}}{.Rpcent.s/.Rpcent.} operators,
-as well as the string detection operators (\LinkA{\Rpercent{}s\textbraceleft{\textbraceright{}\textbraceright{}\Rpercent{}}{.Rpcent.s.Rlbrace..Rrbrace..Rpcent.}, \LinkA{\Rpercent{}s!\textbraceleft{\textbraceright{}\textbraceright{}\Rpercent{}}{.Rpcent.s!.Rlbrace..Rrbrace..Rpcent.}),
+as well as the string detection operators (\LinkA{\Rpercent{}s\{\}\Rpercent{}}{.Rpcent.s.Rlbrace..Rrbrace..Rpcent.}, \LinkA{\Rpercent{}s!\{\}\Rpercent{}}{.Rpcent.s!.Rlbrace..Rrbrace..Rpcent.}),
 perform pattern matching for some purpose,
 where the pattern is given on the right hand side. \\{}
 When a character vector or string is given on the right hand side,

This seems to correspond to R-devel revision 82224 made on 2022-04-20
that fixed the use of {} inside \code{\link{}}.

If you'd like a clean PDF manual build on R-4.2.0 and older, it may
help to give a different \alias to the %s{}% help page and use that
inside \link.

Best regards,

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