[R-pkg-devel] DESCRITION error

Emanuele Cordano em@nue|e@cord@no @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Aug 30 18:03:19 CEST 2023

Dear list,

I'm creating a package. At a first build, I found out the following error.
I parsed DESCRIPTION  file and I did not find any possible causes for this
error. I searched on the web , but I found no clear explanation of this
error. Have you ever experienced with this? What does this error mean ?
I'm using an Rstudio server, but it's the first time it happens after
building several other developed packages.

Error reading package DESCRIPTION: system error 71 (Protocol error)

Thank you
Emanuele Cordano, PhD
Environmental Engineer / Ingegnere per l' Ambiente e il territorio nr.
3587 (Albo A - Provincia di Trento)
cell: +39 3282818564
email: emanuele.cordano using gmail.com,emanuele.cordano using rendena100.eu,
emanuele.cordano using eurac.edu
PEC: emanuele.cordano using ingpec.eu
URL: www.rendena100.eu
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emanuele-cordano-31995333
GitHub: https://github.com/ecor

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