[R-pkg-devel] Best practices for CRAN package using Go

Dewey Dunnington dewey @end|ng |rom dunn|ngton@c@
Fri Jul 14 16:36:11 CEST 2023


Thanks! I look forward to packaging the next ADBC driver release and 



On 2023-07-12 20:01, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> Dewey,
> you will definitely need to include all the necessary sources for your 
> package. You may want to have a look at the "Using Rust"[1] document 
> linked from the CRAN policy. I think Go is quite similar to Rust in 
> that sense so you should use the same approach, i.e. checking for 
> system and user installations (for go the official location is 
> /usr/local/go/bin/go and it may not be on the PATH), declaring Go 
> version dependency and making sure your package has included all module 
> dependency sources (i.e. don't use install-time module 
> resolution/download).
> If you need to include a large source tar ball that is not permissible 
> on CRAN, I'd recommend using Zenodo.org since it is specifically 
> designed to facilitate longevity and reproducibility (as opposed to 
> Github or other transient storage that may disappear at any point).
> All that said, you may run into the same issues as Rust (errors and 
> segfaults due to limited interoperability of compilers) so use with 
> care and test well. External bindings like Rust or Go are only provided 
> on "best effort" basis.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> [1] - https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/using_rust.html
> PS: go is now available on the CRAN macOS builder machines and the Mac 
> Builder (https://mac.r-project.org/macbuilder/submit.html).
>> On 13/07/2023, at 2:36 AM, Dewey Dunnington <dewey using dunnington.ca> 
>> wrote:
>> Thank you! It seems I needed the refresher on CRAN policy regarding 
>> downloading sources: it seems like the go.sum/go.mod provide 
>> sufficient checksumming to comply with the policy, as you noted (with 
>> `go mod vendor` as a backup if this turns out to not be acceptable). 
>> Downloading Go is probably out based on the advice for Rust that 
>> explicitly forbids this.
>> Cheers!
>> -dewey
>> On 2023-07-10 11:09, Ivan Krylov wrote:
>>> В Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:22:26 -0300
>>> Dewey Dunnington <dewey using dunnington.ca> пишет:
>>>> I've wrapped two of these drivers for R that seem to build and
>>>> install on MacOS, Linux, and Windows [3][4]; however, I am not sure
>>>> if the pattern I used is suitable for CRAN or whether these packages
>>>> will have to be GitHub-only for the foreseeable future.
>>> There are a few parts to following the CRAN policy [*] regarding
>>> external dependencies.
>>> I think (but don't know for sure) that your package will not be 
>>> allowed
>>> to download Go by itself. The policy says: "Only as a last resort and
>>> with the agreement of the CRAN team should a package download
>>> pre-compiled software."
>>> An already installed Go should be able to "first look to see if [a
>>> dependency] is already installed and if so is of a suitable version"
>>> when installing the dependencies of the Go part of the code. The 
>>> go.mod
>>> and go.sum files specify the exact versions and checksums of the
>>> dependencies, which satisfies the requirement for fixed dependency
>>> versions ("it is acceptable to download them as part of installation,
>>> but do ensure that the download is of a fixed version rather than the
>>> latest"), so your package seems to be fine in this respect.
>>> One more thing: when bootstrapping the source package, can you run go
>>> mod vendor [**] in order to bundle *all* the Go dependencies together
>>> with the package? Is the resulting directory prohibitively large? 
>>> Would
>>> it satisfy the CRAN policy preference to "include the library sources
>>> in the package and compile them as part of package installation"
>>> without requiring Internet access? Unfortunately, I don't know enough
>>> about Go to answer these questions myself. I think that a small 
>>> bundle
>>> of vendored Go code would be preferrable for CRAN but *not* 
>>> preferrable
>>> for packaging in a GNU/Linux distro like Debian where dynamic linking
>>> (in the widest possible sense) is a strong preference.
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ivan
>>> [*] https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html
>>> [**] https://go.dev/ref/mod#vendoring
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