[R-pkg-devel] Best practices for CRAN package using Go

Simon Urbanek @|mon@urb@nek @end|ng |rom R-project@org
Thu Jul 13 01:01:20 CEST 2023


you will definitely need to include all the necessary sources for your package. You may want to have a look at the "Using Rust"[1] document linked from the CRAN policy. I think Go is quite similar to Rust in that sense so you should use the same approach, i.e. checking for system and user installations (for go the official location is /usr/local/go/bin/go and it may not be on the PATH), declaring Go version dependency and making sure your package has included all module dependency sources (i.e. don't use install-time module resolution/download).

If you need to include a large source tar ball that is not permissible on CRAN, I'd recommend using Zenodo.org since it is specifically designed to facilitate longevity and reproducibility (as opposed to Github or other transient storage that may disappear at any point).

All that said, you may run into the same issues as Rust (errors and segfaults due to limited interoperability of compilers) so use with care and test well. External bindings like Rust or Go are only provided on "best effort" basis.


[1] - https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/using_rust.html

PS: go is now available on the CRAN macOS builder machines and the Mac Builder (https://mac.r-project.org/macbuilder/submit.html).

> On 13/07/2023, at 2:36 AM, Dewey Dunnington <dewey using dunnington.ca> wrote:
> Thank you! It seems I needed the refresher on CRAN policy regarding downloading sources: it seems like the go.sum/go.mod provide sufficient checksumming to comply with the policy, as you noted (with `go mod vendor` as a backup if this turns out to not be acceptable). Downloading Go is probably out based on the advice for Rust that explicitly forbids this.
> Cheers!
> -dewey
> On 2023-07-10 11:09, Ivan Krylov wrote:
>> В Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:22:26 -0300
>> Dewey Dunnington <dewey using dunnington.ca> пишет:
>>> I've wrapped two of these drivers for R that seem to build and
>>> install on MacOS, Linux, and Windows [3][4]; however, I am not sure
>>> if the pattern I used is suitable for CRAN or whether these packages
>>> will have to be GitHub-only for the foreseeable future.
>> There are a few parts to following the CRAN policy [*] regarding
>> external dependencies.
>> I think (but don't know for sure) that your package will not be allowed
>> to download Go by itself. The policy says: "Only as a last resort and
>> with the agreement of the CRAN team should a package download
>> pre-compiled software."
>> An already installed Go should be able to "first look to see if [a
>> dependency] is already installed and if so is of a suitable version"
>> when installing the dependencies of the Go part of the code. The go.mod
>> and go.sum files specify the exact versions and checksums of the
>> dependencies, which satisfies the requirement for fixed dependency
>> versions ("it is acceptable to download them as part of installation,
>> but do ensure that the download is of a fixed version rather than the
>> latest"), so your package seems to be fine in this respect.
>> One more thing: when bootstrapping the source package, can you run go
>> mod vendor [**] in order to bundle *all* the Go dependencies together
>> with the package? Is the resulting directory prohibitively large? Would
>> it satisfy the CRAN policy preference to "include the library sources
>> in the package and compile them as part of package installation"
>> without requiring Internet access? Unfortunately, I don't know enough
>> about Go to answer these questions myself. I think that a small bundle
>> of vendored Go code would be preferrable for CRAN but *not* preferrable
>> for packaging in a GNU/Linux distro like Debian where dynamic linking
>> (in the widest possible sense) is a strong preference.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Ivan
>> [*] https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html
>> [**] https://go.dev/ref/mod#vendoring
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