[R-pkg-devel] Feedback on "Using Rust in CRAN packages"

Hiroaki Yutani yut@n|@|n| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jul 14 15:21:50 CEST 2023

I just found the policy is updated and I now understand why GitHub matters
in your opinion. Thanks for the clarification, I forgot this fact.

>  CRAN does not regard github.com (which hosts the index of crates.io) as
sufficiently reliable.

The good news is that, as of Rust 1.68, Cargo supports the "sparse" index
protocol [1][2]. In this case, the index is hosted at
https://index.crates.io/, crates.io's own infrastructure. So, if I
understand correctly, when all the CRAN servers have Cargo >=1.68
installed, CRAN is ready to believe crates.io is reliable?

Note that, at the time of writing this, the version on Debian testing is
still 1.66 [3] and it's not updated very frequently (about once a year?),
so it probably takes a while before the day.


[3]: https://packages.debian.org/testing/cargo (it seems 0.66 means 1.66)

2023年7月14日(金) 9:58 Hiroaki Yutani <yutani.ini using gmail.com>:

> Simin,
> Sorry that my question was not clear. Let me clarify.
> I think we all agree that "cargo vendor" is the primary option. Since
> downloading without explicit permission is not allowed on CRAN in general,
> it's reasonable. I'm happy that the instructions will describe it clearly.
> But, some R packages have too large dependencies to bundle. In this case,
> downloading can be allowed with "the explicit permission of the CRAN team,"
> if I understand correctly. For this, I think Cargo's downloading mechanism
> satisfy this requirement if (1) all the dependencies are from crates.io
> and (2) Cargo.lock exists:
> > download a specific version from a secure site and check that the
> download is the expected code by some sort of checksum
> Because Cargo downloads specific versions recorded in Cargo.lock, verifies
> the checksums, and crates.io is the "secure site" that we can rely on as
> Hadley wrote.
> My question is, does CRAN allow Cargo to download the dependency sources
> on CRAN? The policy says:
> > So downloading of Rust ‘crates’ will in future require the explicit
> permission of the CRAN team
> To my eyes, this implies
> - CRAN currently allows Cargo's downloading of dependency Rust crates even
> without the permission
> - CRAN will keep allowing Cargo's downloading if the package author asks
> the permission
> And, if CRAN doesn't allow it, I (and probably many Rust users) would like
> to know why. As I described above, it should satisfy the requirement.
> >  please don't cross-post
> Sorry.
> > I thought cargo build --offline is not needed if the dependencies are
> already vendored?
> Yes, you are right. --offline is not needed if vendering is properly
> configured. But, this probably means you have to review the build
> configurations in .cargo/config.toml or so, so I just thought it would be
> easier for you to check if --offline is specified to the command. This
> seems a bit off-topic, so please ignore.
> Best,
> Yutani
> 2023年7月14日(金) 9:06 Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using r-project.org>:
>> > On Jul 14, 2023, at 11:19 AM, Hadley Wickham <h.wickham using gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >>> If CRAN cannot trust even the official one of Rust, why does CRAN
>> have Rust at all?
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> I don't see the connection - if you downloaded something in the past
>> it doesn't mean you will be able to do so in the future. And CRAN has Rust
>> because it sounded like a good idea to allow packages to use it, but I can
>> see that it opened a can of worms that we trying to tame here.
>> >
>> > Can you give a bit more detail about your concerns here? Obviously
>> > crates.io isn't some random site on the internet, it's the official
>> > repository of the Rust language, supported by the corresponding
>> > foundation for the language. To me that makes it feel very much like
>> > CRAN, where we can assume if you downloaded something in the past, you
>> > can download something in the future.
>> >
>> I was just responding to Yutani's question why we downloaded the Rust
>> compilers on CRAN at all. This has really nothing to do with the previous
>> discussion which is why I did say "I don't see the connection". Also I
>> wasn't talking about crates.io anywhere in my responses in this thread.
>> The only thing I wanted to discuss here was that I think the existing Rust
>> model  ("vendor" into the package sources) seems like a good one to apply
>> to Go, but that got somehow hijacked...
>> Cheers,
>> Simon

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