[R-pkg-devel] Missing quadmath library in r-release-macosx-arm64

Merlise Clyde, Ph.D. c|yde @end|ng |rom duke@edu
Fri Apr 7 18:01:31 CEST 2023

I was checking the CRAN check page for my package BAS https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_BAS.html

and saw that there has been an ERROR in the check status for r-release-macosx-arm64 for (at least) the last 2 days.   Looking at the check results linked there the package fails installation as it cannot locate the quadmath library:


I am preparing for any update of the package and current testing using mac-builder for r-release and r-devel return no errors, warnings, etc.  (although it appears that r-release for the testing server is using R 4.2.1 ???)

Is this a false positive that may be ignored on submission of a new version or are there any other updates for packages using C/fortran on M1macs that I need to update.   (Can't find quadmath explicitly in WRE, but may have not searched optimally)

In my Makefile I have


source code is at https://github.com/merliseclyde/BAS


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