[R-pkg-devel] Failed CRAN tar.gz upload to CRAN

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jan 13 15:06:33 CET 2023

В Fri, 13 Jan 2023 08:54:50 +0000
Chris Brien <chris.brien using adelaide.edu.au> пишет:

> I am getting the following response when I try to upload
> growthPheno_2.1.17.tar.gz:
> Detected package information [non-editable]
> In case of errors reupload the package or contact cran team

That's not an error. This message is to inform you that the following
fields have been extracted from your DESCRIPTION file and aren't
supposed to be edited by hand. Is there a better way to phrase that?

Do you see anything out of place in the form? If the form content seems
OK, click the "Submit package" button near the bottom of the page to

Best regards,

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