[R-pkg-devel] Latex issue on CRAN: Package pdftex.def Error

r m@iii@g oii @be@@@ch r m@iii@g oii @be@@@ch
Sun Oct 30 14:48:05 CET 2022

Dear list

Trying to push a fix to CRAN, I’m now running into a Latex issue. I can neither relate the issue I’m trying to resolve, nor my fix, to this new problem, so I’m a bit lost (and slightly frustrated).

I cannot reproduce this specific issue anywhere, neither locally (macOS), nor on win devel, r-hub and Github (there are some other issues on Gh and r-hub, but I don’t believe them to be relevant here).

All I have to go on is:

- A WARNING in “checking PDF version of manual”: LaTeX errors found: ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `...' not found: using draft setting.
- An ERROR in “checking PDF version of manual without index”
- A NOTE in “checking for non-standard things in the check directory”: Found the following files/directories: ‘...-manual.tex’

It seems like when building the PDF manual, an image that should be included is not found and then things fall apart, causing both the error and note. For all I know, the image should be there unter `man/figures/`.

The problem is showing up in the same way for both “Windows” and “Debian” (with slightly different notes due to intermediate files not being cleaned up properly).

Have there been and Latex-related changes to CRAN recently? Are others seeing similar problems? Any ideas what could be causing this?

For completeness: https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/ricu_0.5.4_20221030_131320/


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