[R-pkg-devel] LaTeX packages available for documentation?

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Sep 3 22:09:42 CEST 2022

     I'm trying to figure out if the list of LaTeX packages that can be 
expected to be available *when building PDF versions of man pages* is 
documented/available somewhere.

  One of my co-authors is a bit enthusiastic about complex math 
expressions in the man pages, e.g. using \dfrac (from the amsmath 
package) and \mathscr (from the mathrsfs package). These are OK in HTML 
version of the docs (now that LaTeX is allowed), but throw an error when 
building the PDF manuals.

   I think this will probably turn out to be a case of "'doctor, it 
hurts when I do this.' 'Well, then, don't do that.'" (i.e., remove fancy 
LaTeX markup from man pages), but I'm curious.

    Ben Bolker


   I've looked at these sections of the documentation:


   and have searched for packages in the R sources:

$ find . -type f -exec grep "^.usepackage" {} \; | sort | uniq
\usepackage{fullpage}% save trees ;-)
\usepackage{graphicx, Rd}
\usepackage{Rd, parskip, amsmath, enumerate}

   weirdly, amsmath is included here, but it's only used in vignettes -- 
seems puzzling but plausible that package availability would be 
different for building vignettes vs. man pages ... ??

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