[R-pkg-devel] How to structure LICENSE for multiple licenses?

Steven Scott @teve@the@b@ye@|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue May 24 23:57:53 CEST 2022

The current version of 'bsts' is released under the LGPL.  I want to add
the MIT license as an alternative.

Right now the DESCRIPTION file contains the line
               License: LGPL-2.1 | file LICENSE
and the file LICENSE contains a copy of the LGPL.

To add the MIT license I believe I need to modify it to be
         License: LGPL-2.1 | MIT + file LICENSE | file LICENSE

The syntax MIT + file LICENSE is because the MIT license is a template, and
I need to fill in the template parameters in the LICENSE file.

What's the right way to structure the LICENSE file to contain two
licenses?  Should I have two files (MIT.LICENSE, LGPL.LICENSE)?  Can I just
append the MIT license to the bottom of the LICENSE file?

Thank you for reading.

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