[R-pkg-devel] I changed my vignette's file name to lowercase, then realized the url was case-sensitive

David Kepplinger d@v|d@kepp||nger @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Aug 2 21:51:05 CEST 2021

According to https://www.w3.org/TR/WD-html40-970708/htmlweb.html, "URLs in
general are case-sensitive", it's not only a CRAN thing.
Your vignette will be shipped with the package, hence if a user has a
case-insensitive file system (like macOS has by default), your workaround
would not work (see also Section 1.1 in "Writing R Extensions").

In my opinion the only solution is to fix the links, or go back to the old
case. There are plenty of tools around to replace all occurrences of
"Introduction.html" to "introduction.html" within your package. Of course
that doesn't work for all other links pointing to "Introduction.html" that
float around the web…


On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 3:21 PM Dominic Comtois <dominic.comtois using gmail.com>

> I changed my "Introduction.html" vignette's name to
> "introduction.html", realizing only after the fact that CRAN's URLs
> are case sensitive.
> Would the solution of adding to my package's source a new
> Introduction.html file pointing to introduction.html using a <meta
> http-equiv="refresh" ...> be a viable one? Or is there maybe another,
> better solution?
> Thanks in advance
> Dominic Comtois, summarytools author & maintainer
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David Kepplinger, PhD

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