[R-pkg-devel] Win-builder R-devel doesn't appear to be running examples

Kai Aragaki @@r@g@k1 @end|ng |rom jhm|@edu
Tue Jun 15 23:29:07 CEST 2021

Hello all -

I've been testing my package using win-builder, both R-current and R-devel. Both run with no notes, warnings, or errors aside for it being a new submission and for false-positive spelling errors. However, for R-devel, the build log does not show

* loading checks for arch 'i386'

and all its associated logging (the same for x64 - it does not appear)

As such, the examples_and_tests folder is empty, whereas in R-current it is not.

Is this expected behavior? If not, what are some possible causes of this issue?

Thank you for your time.

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