[R-pkg-devel] shinyjs functions not working in Packaged Shiny App

Alka Benawra @|k@ben@wr@ @end|ng |rom roger@@com
Wed Feb 10 22:30:44 CET 2021

Hi All, 
I am building a package for CRAN that uses some functions from the package shinyjs.
When I built my shiny app, I used the functions useShinyjs and reset from the shinyjs package, and they worked perfectly.
I have transformed my app into a package for CRAN and now the functions from shinyjs no longer work.
I have researched the problem and asked on forums, but I have not been able to solve this problem.
I was wondering if anyone has encountered this issue before when packaging a Shiny app for CRAN, and if you might know what the problem/solution is.
If anyone has faced a similar issue and found a solution this would be greatly helpful to hear about.
Here is a link to my app wiki with the current code: AlkaBenawra/MDMAPR

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Molecular Detection Mapping and Analysis Platform. Contribute to AlkaBenawra/MDMAPR development by creating an a...



Thank you in advance for your help.
alkabenawra using rogers.com

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