[R-pkg-devel] Having shiny as an optional dependency

Kamil Stachowski k@m||@@t@chow@k| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Nov 14 09:41:09 CET 2020

I wrote a package that contains a graphical interface written with packages
"shiny" and "shinyjqui". My package can also be used from the CLI, so I
listed both "shiny" and "shinyjqui" as optional dependencies. I ran R CMD
check --as-cran on my computer in R 3.6.3 and devel, and both passed
without any errors or warnings. However, when I tried uploading the package
to CRAN, I got this error:

Error in loadNamespace(x) : there is no package called ‘shiny’
Error: unable to load R code in package ‘soundcorrs’
Execution halted
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘soundcorrs’

How can I fix this?

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