[R-pkg-devel] *not* re-making package if contents haven't changed

Georgi Boshnakov georg|@bo@hn@kov @end|ng |rom m@nche@ter@@c@uk
Mon Jun 1 09:54:33 CEST 2020

Maybe let 'git' decide which files have changed?

Georgi Boshnakov

-----Original Message-----
From: R-package-devel <r-package-devel-bounces using r-project.org> On Behalf Of Greg Minshall
Sent: 01 June 2020 03:57
To: r-package-devel using r-project.org
Subject: [R-pkg-devel] *not* re-making package if contents haven't changed

hi.  i use emacs org-mode to write my literate (semi-, in my case) code.  then, 'tangle' the results into package/R/foo.R, etc.

the tangling is driven by a makefile.  (my methodology is to make the package source tree as a subdirectory of where my makefile sits; i realize this is non-standard, and in many respects sub-optimal.)

the makefile then proceeds to R-CMD-build, R-CMD-check, and, assuming those pass, Rscript-install the package.

i would like to *not* do the build/check/install if, in fact, nothing has changed in the tangled files since the last time the build/check/install ran.  the *dates* of the files (which is what make typically looks at) *will* have changed.  but, i want to rely on the contents, not on the dates.

i can imagine various hacks to accomplish this.  but, i thought that someone on the list may have run into this before and have a recommendation.

if so, i'm all ears!  thanks in advance.

cheers, Greg

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