[R-pkg-devel] MacOS flat namespace

Fabio Corradini Santander |@b|o@corr@d|n| @end|ng |rom |n|@@c|
Thu May 7 16:37:37 CEST 2020

Thank you both very much for your help. Summarizing your comments:
1. There were no problems when installing the package from CRAN on a macOS
Catalina with clang11 and R 4.0.0.
2. Since I don't use any of the objects directly, it is probably a gdal
thing due to an improper(?) installation.

OK, but the problem happens on CRAN during the CRAN checks for the OS X and
macOS system flavors... Does this mean that there might be something wrong
with CRAN gdal installation for OS X and macOS? (I don't think so, plus how
can I check that without bothering CRAN maintainers?)

> Make sure you have a proper gdal installation; after that things should
> work. If you want you could be more defensive about this, and add some
> logic to your configure script to test if a binary compiled against gdal
> runs correctly or not, and react accordingly (e.g., if gdal is a strong
> dependency then you don't continue further into the compilation of your
> package).

Although Rodrigo suggestion will work, if I abort the installation I will
fail the CRAN check, which is the reason I'm asking this question...

Thanks once again,



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