[R-pkg-devel] Examples for functions called by Shiny server

R. Mark Sharp rm@h@rp @end|ng |rom me@com
Mon Mar 16 05:22:34 CET 2020

I have been asked to provide examples within the Rd files of my package (github.com/rmsharp/nprcgenekeepr <http://github.com/rmsharp/nprcgenekeepr>) by the CRAN package reviewer. I have to export those functions called by the server.R script (or use ::: notation), which in turn generates an Rd file that is to have the example. 

I cannot think of a meaningful example for a function that creates the content of a new Shiny tabpanel when an error is detected.

Suggestions are eagerly sought.

R. Mark Sharp, Ph.D.
Data Scientist and Biomedical Statistical Consultant
7526 Meadow Green St.
San Antonio, TX 78251
mobile: 210-218-2868
rmsharp using me.com

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