[R-pkg-devel] no visible binding for '<<-' assignment note

Max Turgeon M@x@Turgeon @end|ng |rom um@n|tob@@c@
Fri Feb 21 19:56:09 CET 2020

The only thing I know about your package is the code you've shared so far, so I may be wrong. If I understand correctly, you're using kronecker and dnormfun to evalute the normal density at several values of mu and sigma, but a fixed point x. And you're fixing that point x in dnormfun, with the possibility of redefining dnormfun if you need a new point x. If that is the case, I think you can simply do something like

kronecker(X, Y, FUN = dnorm, x = gridY[i]).

But again, maybe I'm missing something.

Max Turgeon
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
Department of Computer Science
University of Manitoba

From: Weimin Zhang <zhangwm using hotmail.com>
Sent: February 21, 2020 12:38 PM
To: Max Turgeon; r-package-devel using r-project.org
Subject: Re: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment note

Thank you Max.

The reason I used the super assignment  "<<-"  is because the "dnormfun" function later called by function kronecker(X, Y, FUN = "*",...) through FUN=" ". If I don't use the super assignment  "<<-"  then the kronecker function cannot find "dnormfun" function. The question now seems that how I can let the kronecker(X, Y, FUN = "*",...) know that "dnormfun" is a "FUN"?


From: Max Turgeon <Max.Turgeon using umanitoba.ca>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:50 AM
To: Weimin Zhang <zhangwm using hotmail.com>; r-package-devel using r-project.org <r-package-devel using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment note

Hi Weimin,

>From the R docs, if there is no visible binding for the deep assignment, meaning there is the variable "dnormfun" not already defined in the parent environment, then an assignment is made in the global assignment. Is this really what you want to do, define a function "dnormfun" that is available in the user's global environment? If yes, then you'll need to make a case for it in your CRAN submision comments. If no, then you can probably just change "<<-" to "<-".


Max Turgeon
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
Department of Computer Science
University of Manitoba

From: R-package-devel <r-package-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Weimin Zhang <zhangwm using hotmail.com>
Sent: February 19, 2020 11:48:38 AM
To: r-package-devel using r-project.org
Subject: [R-pkg-devel] no visible binding for '<<-' assignment note

Dear all,
In the last submission of my package the CRAN gave this note: "Check: R code for possible problems, Result: NOTE: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment..."

How can I bypass this note?

This is the local function which cause this note:
  dnormfun <<- function(muvalue, sigmavalue, aNumber = gridY[i] ){

The package can run normally at my machine. Any suggestion?



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