[R-pkg-devel] function name conflict problem

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Feb 4 22:31:16 CET 2020

On 04/02/2020 4:21 p.m., sierrastew using mindspring.com wrote:
> In trying to develop a package to be submitted to CRAN, when I do Install
> and Reload or devtools::check(), I get the warning:
> Warning: replacing previous import 'ellipse::pairs' by 'graphics::pairs'
> when loading 'karon'
> Warning: replacing previous import 'MVN::mvn' by 'mgcv::mvn' when loading
> 'karon'
> I need one function each from the packages ellipse and mgcv (I do not need
> pairs from ellipse and mvn from mgcv).  To restrict to the function that I
> need, I have used the commands
> @importFrom  ellipse  ellipse
> @importFrom  mgcv  in.out
> NAMESPACE includes the lines
> importFrom(ellipse,ellipse)
> importFrom(mgcv,in.out)
> However, DESCRIPTION does not restrict the functions imported from ellipse
> and mgcv; it has
> Imports: MVN, MASS, scatterplot3d, rgl, mgcv, randomForest, rpart, partykit,
> Formula, ellipse,..
> Do these warnings need to be solved before submitting to CRAN?
> Is it necessary to edit DESCRIPTION  If so, what should be done?
> Is there some other potential solution?

I don't know if they *must* be fixed, but they should be.  Something in 
your NAMESPACE file (derived from some comment in your code by roxygen2) 
is importing ellipse::pairs, even though you say you don't want to do 
that.  You should fix that.

 From what we can see, your DESCRIPTION file is fine.  The problem lies 

Duncan Murdoch

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