[R-pkg-devel] Need help to resolve NOTEs in auto check

Ian Walker m@|| @end|ng |rom dr|@nw@|ker@com
Wed Jan 22 11:29:51 CET 2020


I'm trying to repackage an R function so I can update the licence. I'm stuck with the automatic checks. The problem appears to be the following three NOTEs in the checking output:

* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: ‘Ian Walker <
i.walker using bath.ac.uk
Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:
  DEMs (7:503)
  STL (7:47)
  stereolithography (7:52)
  stl (7:24)

The build time stamp is missing.

It's not clear what is wrong here - is it the spellings (which are fine) or the time stamp? If the latter, how do I resolve this?

* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
Checking should be performed on sources prepared by ‘R CMD build’.

I can't make any sense of this issue!

* checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... NOTE
Found the following files/directories:
  ‘lovelyfunction.stl’ ‘volcano.stl’

These two .stl files are simply mentioned in the documentation's example code - they're files that would be created if somebody ran the example code; they're not in the R package I've created.

Thanks for any help,

Dr Ian Walker FHEA | Department of Psychology, University of Bath
i.walker using bath.ac.uk (academic) | mail using drianwalker.com (other matters)

Website: drianwalker.com | Twitter: twitter.com/ianwalker

My books:
Research Methods and Statistics - a new, clear introduction http://tinyurl.com/res-stats
Research with People - the essential research textbook: http://amzn.to/sRbYxy
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