[R-pkg-devel] Alternatives to R-devel on a Mac for package checking?

Jonathan Greenberg jgreenberg @end|ng |rom unr@edu
Wed Jan 15 22:39:19 CET 2020

One of the issues I'm running into is that it seems every time there's a Mac update something gets broken with regards to compilers, making it incredibly challenging to get the development install of R working with Rcpp (which is a requirement for the packages I need to use to check my packages).

I'd like to start moving towards an easier approach rather than spending days fixing various issues on my Mac just to run a simple --as-cran check on a package with the latest  r-devel.  I was HOPING there is an up-to-date Docker for the r-development 4.0 version out in the wild, but it seems like the rocker r-devel is just 3.6.2.  Any ideas?

docker run --rm -ti rocker/r-devel

Alternatively, are there any decent online checkers (except the CRAN ones)?  r-forge seems to not do r-devel checks anymore.


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