[R-pkg-devel] Fwd: CRAN submission radsafer 2.1.0

Mark Hogue m@rk@hogue@chp @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Dec 18 00:22:44 CET 2019

This package is ready to submit, except I am concerned about one thing. The
package version listed on the check result page is 2.0.1, whereas this
version is 2.1.0. Should I go ahead and submit it, or is there some problem
I need to fix?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Package Submission <cran-sysadmin using xmpalantir.wu.ac.at>
Date: Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 5:55 PM
Subject: CRAN submission radsafer 2.1.0
To: Mark Hogue <mark.hogue.chp using gmail.com>

Dear Mark Hogue
Someone has submitted the package radsafer to CRAN.
You are receiving this email to confirm the submission as the maintainer of
this package.
To confirm the submission to CRAN, follow or copy & paste the following
link into your browser:


If you did not submit the package or do not wish for it to be submitted to
CRAN, simply ignore this email

Submission Information:
Submitter: Mark Hogue <mark.hogue.chp using gmail.com>
Package: radsafer
Version: 2.1.0
Title: Radiation Safety
Author(s): Mark Hogue <mark.hogue.chp using gmail.com>
Maintainer: Mark Hogue <mark.hogue.chp using gmail.com>
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Suggests: testthat, scatterplot3d, beepr, knitr, rmarkdown
Description: Provides functions for radiation safety, also known as
  "radiation protection" and "radiological control". The
  science of radiation protection is called "health physics"
  and its engineering functions are called "radiological
  engineering". Functions in this package cover many of the
  computations needed by radiation safety professionals.
  Examples include: obtaining updated calibration and source
  check values for radiation monitors to account for
  radioactive decay in a reference source, simulating
  instrument readings to better understand measurement
  uncertainty, correcting instrument readings for geometry and
  ambient atmospheric conditions. Many of these functions are
  described in Johnson and Kirby (2011, ISBN-13:
  978-1609134198). Utilities are also included for developing
  inputs and processing outputs with radiation transport codes,
  such as MCNP, a general-purpose Monte Carlo N-Particle code
  that can be used for neutron, photon, electron, or coupled
  neutron/photon/electron transport (Werner et. al. (2018)
License: GPL-3
Imports: ggplot2, readr, stats, graphics, RadData, stringr, magrittr,
  dplyr, rlang

Submitter's comment: ## Test environments
* local Windows 10 home version
  1809, R 3.6.2
* ubuntu 16.04 and Fedora Linux (on
  R-hub builder), R 3.6.2

## R CMD check results
  were no ERRORs or WARNINGs. There was one NOTE,
  referring to non-standard files in the check
  directory. These are output files resulting from
  functions that provide text files to the user's
  working or specified other directory.

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