[R-pkg-devel] how to change from -fsanitize=undefined to -fsanitize=address

Youyi Fong youy||ong @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 29 22:48:50 CET 2019

Hi Dirk,

Thanks very much. Following your suggestion, I tried r-debug, following the
readme on https://github.com/wch/r-debug. After starting docker as

docker run --rm -ti --security-opt seccomp=unconfined wch1/r-debug

I was able to call RD. But calling RDsan or RDcsan resulted in errors:

root using 258bfdfcce6c:/# RDsan
==17==ERROR: AddressSanitizer failed to allocate 0xdfff0001000
(15392894357504) bytes at address 2008fff7000 (errno: 12)
==17==ReserveShadowMemoryRange failed while trying to map 0xdfff0001000
bytes. Perhaps you're using ulimit -v
Aborted (core dumped)

I have also tried rhub before, following this article:
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rhub/vignettes/local-debugging.html As
you indicated, it may have worked for others, but got the following error:

>>>>>==================== Installing system requirements

>>>>>==================== Starting Docker container
ls: cannot access '/opt/R-*': No such file or directory
> source('https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R')
Error: With R version 3.5 or greater, install Bioconductor packages using
BiocManager; see https://bioconductor.org/install
Execution halted
Error in run(bash, c(file.path(wd, "rhub-linux.sh"), args), echo = TRUE,  :
  System command error

This is where I am stuck at right now.


On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 10:46 AM Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd using debian.org> wrote:

> Youyi,
> It looks like you are trying to debug a _current_ SAN / ASAN / UBSAN error
> against your package by leaning on documentation I wrote five years ago
> specifically for another package (called "sanitizers") used to validate the
> initial Docker container builds I made (and to ensure the error these
> SAN/ASAN/UBSAN containers were supposed to trigger were triggered).
> Today, your quickest bet to launch a sanitizer run may be via the rhub
> platforms.  Clearly the easiest to launch ("no download"), but at times a
> little inconsistent.  An alternative is the suite of containers maintained
> by
> Winston described at their repo at https://github.com/wch/r-debug at
> available from the Docker Hub.
> All that said, exact configurations matters and the fact remains that we
> all
> still haven't managed to automatically provide the configurations used by
> CRAN. There are possible "gaps" between what CRAN uses and what may be
> available pre-built: compiler versions, builds, sanitizer options, ... and
> these can be enough to not replicate an issue.  I think I would try
> Winston's
> r-debug next.
> Hope this helps, Dirk
> --
> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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