[R-pkg-devel] Parallel processing

Elias Carvalho ec@c@rv@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Jul 4 13:21:21 CEST 2019

*I am building a package a package and one of its functions need parallel
*Then I created the function because my final use are not technical:*

create.cluster <-function()
  # Calculate the number of cores
  no_cores <-parallel::detectCores() - 1
  # Initiate cluster
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores)
} # create.cluster <-function()

*Then the final use need to execute:*

cl <- create.cluster()

*When preparing my package with "R CMD check --as-cran mypackage" the
following error occurs:*
*Error in .check_ncores(length(names)) : 3 simultaneous processes spawned*
*I know the limit of cores is 2 for package check and my laptop has 4, I
believe this is the error cause.*

*How I would fix this error?*


*In Jesu et Maria*

*Thank you*
*Prof. Elias Carvalho*

*"Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" (Virgil 29 BC)"Blessed is he
who has been able to understand the cause of things"*

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