[R-pkg-devel] data.frame compression and no visible global function

Uwe Ligges ||gge@ @end|ng |rom @t@t|@t|k@tu-dortmund@de
Tue May 14 12:13:27 CEST 2019

On 14.05.2019 11:36, Christian Peikert wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have tried to upload my R-package to CRAN but this package was sadly
> reject due to a Warning and a Note. I already know this warning/note but
> I could find out to solve this.
> * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... WARNING
>     Warning: large data files saved inefficiently:
>           size         ASCII     compress
>     cellr_morgenstern_et_al_2017.rda       544Kb    TRUE        xz
>     mcp_reimann_et_al_2017.rda               154Kb    TRUE        xz
> These two data frames are required example datasets. I have used the
> following save function:
> save(cellr_morgenstern_et_al_2017,
> file="cellr_morgenstern_et_al_2017.rda",compress='xz',
> compression_level=9 ,ascii = TRUE)
> save(mcp_reimann_et_al_2017,
> file="mcp_reimann_et_al_2017.rda",compress='xz', compression_level=9
> ,ascii = TRUE)

Do not use ascii=TRUE.

> * checking R code for possible problems ... [40s] NOTE
> runExample03: no visible global function definition for 'shinyClustPro'
> shinyApp is a function defined in a source R file which is loaded by the
> source function. Because this is an example function, it should not be a
> “visible” function in the package.
> appDir <- system.file("shiny-examples", "03", package = "clustpro")
> moduleDir <- system.file("shiny_module", package = "clustpro")
> source(file.path(moduleDir,"module_shiny_clustpro.R"))
> ….
> …..
> shinyClustPro(df_proteomics, data_columns = data_columns, info_columns =
> info_columns)

If it is an example function that should not be visible, how does it 
make sense to call it then?

Uwe Ligges

> If anyone of you could help me with this problems that would be great.
> Cheers,
> Christian
> P.S.:
> Because I am moving followed by vacation for a week, I will not be able
> to reply to e-mails directly. Please answer also to
> friedel.drepper using biologie.uni-freiburg.de
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