[R-pkg-devel] Starter Help

ivo welch |vo@we|ch @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Feb 18 01:57:42 CET 2019

Apologies for the Intrusion.  I am trying to learn package development with
roxygen.  The ecosystem has been moving so fast that much of what I learned
by googling and reading on the web (including old posts) seems to be at
least mildly outdated.

* does the r-package-devel mailing list have a search engine?  (or generic
google?)  a FAQ?

* could someone please point me to a good current example that follows
appropriate style and other guidelines, using the '@' roxygen documentation
format?  (The '@' example In Hadley's book does not include a @name, which
my `document()`  does not like.)

I also have a few specific questions, but I may be able to figure it out
given the above.

* is it possible to import a set of *.Rd man documentation files into my R

* is it still good practice to place my functions into their own
environments (aka `me$myfun <- cmpfun(function() message("my fun")`).  I am
thinking that this complicates matters unnecessarily in a package, given
that packages have namespaces, and environment prefixes makes documentation
access more complex (not ?me$myfun but ?'me$myfun' now).  and should I lose
the `cmpfun` in a package?

basic pointers appreciated.


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