[R-pkg-devel] Problem installing built vignettes

Chris Brien Chr|@@Br|en @end|ng |rom un|@@@edu@@u
Sun Feb 3 08:32:40 CET 2019

Hi list members,

I am having a problem installing vignettes for my asremlPlus package (https://github.com/briencj/asremlPlus - see VIgnettes branch) and have run into a brick wall in my efforts to solve it.  So any help would be greatly appreciated. 

The basic problem is that the R.rsp package cannot be found by loadVignetteBuilder when checking or building the package. Here are the details.

I am running R 3.5.1 under Windows 10.

I have compiled the Rmd sources to pdf files and I need to incorporate the pdfs without rebuilding them. The reasons are that they rely on having a package that is not available from a public R repo, namely asreml, and the R code take too much time to run on the CRAN servers.

To deal with this I have tried to use the package R.rsp. Following the instructions, for example for WheatVignette.pdf, I have included the WheatVignette.pdf.asis with contents

%\VignetteIndexEntry{Wheat data: a spatial analysis example}
%\VignetteAuthor{Chris Brien}

I have the following lines in the DESCRIPTION file:

Suggests: testthat, lattice, emmeans, lmerTest, pbkrtest, R.rsp
Enhances: asreml
VignetteBuilder: R.rsp

When I run the following devtools::check call on the package

devtools::check("asremlPlus", manual=TRUE, check_dir="D:/Analyses/R", document=FALSE, 

I get the following error message

-  saving partial Rd database (7.6s)
   Error in loadVignetteBuilder(pkgdir, TRUE) : 
     vignette builder 'R.rsp' not found
   Execution halted
Error in run(bin, args = real_cmdargs, stdout_line_callback = real_callback(stdout),  : 
  System command error

To check the availability of R.rsp I did the following:

> .libPaths();find.package("R.rsp")
[1] "D:/Analyses/R library"                       "D:/Analyses/R oldpkg"                       
[3] "C:/Program Files/StatSoft/R/R-3.5.1/library"
[1] "D:/Analyses/R library/R.rsp"

I also note that in my HOME directory I have an .Renviron file with the following line:

R_LIBS_USER="D:\\Analyses\\R library"



 Chris Brien | Adjunct Associate Professor in Statistics
School of Information Technology &  Mathematical Sciences
University of South Australia
GPO Box 2471
ADELAIDE  5001  South Australia
Phone:  +61 8 8302 5535   Fax:  +61 8 8302 5785
Email:   Chris.Brien using unisa.edu.au 
WEB page:  <http://people.unisa.edu.au/Chris.Brien> 
CRICOS No 00121B 

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