[R-pkg-devel] submitting to github

Stefan McKinnon Høj-Edwards @me @end|ng |rom |y@|k@com
Fri Jan 25 09:59:20 CET 2019

Hej Troels,

What exactly are you trying to acheive here? I.e., are you trying to 1) put
a new project onto github, or 2) copy a repository on github to your local
computer, or 3) do as 2) and then update it your current modifications?

Stefan McKinnon Høj-Edwards
Mobile: (+45) 2888 6598

Den fre. 25. jan. 2019 kl. 09.51 skrev Troels Ring <tring using gvdnet.dk>:

> Dear friends - I'm sorry to bother but seem to be unable to interact
> constructively with github.
> I try to follow the instructions from Hadley (thanks!!!!) - i.e. I have a
> small trial-project which functions well. Since I have tried many times I
> start from shell with
> rm -rf .git
> and then select version control using git (tools, project options,git/svn)
> -
> and origin is still marked as "none" after restarting RStudio.
> Then from shell again: git init
> Yielding
> Initialized empty Git repository in
> C:/Users/Troels/Dropbox/Rown/ABCharge/.git/
> Rstudio restarted, package reopened: origin still "none"
> Git panel appears OK.
> Now from github: add new repository (non present after prior deletions!)
> Named as package name - repeated in description - repository created
> Shell opened from RStudio
> git remote add origin https://github.com/troelsring/ABCharge.git  - works
> without problems - an origin seems correctly accepted in RStudio - but
> then:
> git push -u origin master  - results in:
> error: src refspec master does not match any.
> error: failed to push some refs to
> 'https://github.com/troelsring/ABCharge.git' below in red
> I seem (also!) to have problems with the SSH keys - Rstudio marks that I
> have a key in c:/Users/Troels/.ssh/id_rsa -
> but when I run file.exists("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
> [1] FALSE -  Is returned - but that is not the issue I guess? I have anyway
> made a public key as suggested.
> I have spent hours seeking on the many pages for explanation for this
> probably simple problem.
> All best
> Troels
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