[R-pkg-devel] FOSS license and restricted use by further dependence

Uwe Ligges ligge@ @ending from @t@ti@tik@tu-dortmund@de
Thu Nov 22 15:18:56 CET 2018

On 22.11.2018 15:11, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> Javier,
> On 22 November 2018 at 09:49, Javier García-Pintado wrote:
> | * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
> | Maintainer: ‘Javier Garcia-Pintado <jgarciapintado using marum.de>’
> |
> | New submission
> |
> | Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:
> |   Kalman (11:49)
> Just _either_ use apostrophes around it: ie wite 'Kalman' or 'Kalman Filter'
> or trust that the CRAN maintainers may have seen the name before.
> Exceptions happen.

Thanks for the answer, Dirk. In this case we'd prefer no quotes around 
person names, please. spell check items are always subject to manual 
inspection on first submission and if new spell check output is apparent..

Single quotes around software names such as 'pkg', functions should be 
written with parentheses as in foo().


> | Package has a FOSS license but eventually depends on the following
> | package which restricts use:
> |   akima
> It is one of the older CRAN dependencies which unfortunately has an
> unsuitable license. I believe there are now alternatives, the interp package
> may be what you want.
> See this poster by Roger and Albrecht for more:
> https://www.user2017.brussels/uploads/bivand_gebhardt_user17_a0.pdf
> Dirk

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