[R-pkg-devel] Unexpected symbol when checking package examples

Jared Knowles jknowle@ @ending from gm@il@com
Sun Nov 11 21:39:14 CET 2018


I have a bit of a weird issue when I'm trying to check my package merTools
(source repo available here: https://github.com/jknowles/merTools

On Windows and Linux builds for R-release and R-devel, when R CMD CHECK
checks examples, it returns the following error below:

Warning: parse error in file 'merTools-Ex.R':
1: unexpected symbol
117: cleanEx()
118: nameEx

Upon inspecting the example file generated by R CMD CHECK (mertools-Ex.R) -
it contains only valid R code. I can run it line by line or source the
whole file in R without any errors. But, during the check process, this
error occurs.

The functions cleanEx() and nameEx() appear to be created as part of the
checking process.

I have not changed the examples in the code since the last time I ran R CMD
CHECK so I am quite confident that the example code for all functions is
valid R code.

Any ideas on what might be the source of this problem?


Jared Knowles
President, Civilytics Consulting LLC

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