[R-pkg-devel] nativeRoutines error when using roxygen2 in RStudio

Rampal Etienne r@mp@letienne @ending from gm@il@com
Tue Nov 6 21:27:21 CET 2018

Dear Georgi,

Thanks for your suggestions. I have tried to install the development 
version of roxygen2, but to no avail.

I don't have a Collate field in DESCRIPTION.

devtools::check() gives me:

Updating secsse documentation Loading secsse Registered S3 method 
overwritten by 'dplyr': method from as.data.frame.tbl_df tibble 
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'geiger': method from 
unique.multiPhylo ape Error in nativeRoutines[[lib]] <- routines : 
object 'nativeRoutines' not found

Any other suggestions?

Cheers, Rampal

On 02-Nov-18 08:33, Georgi Boshnakov wrote:
> Try installing the latest development version of roxygen2, if you are not using it already.
> There was a bug in the released version preventing installation in some cases.
> If you don't want to use development version of roxygen2,
> try putting all filenames in the Collate field in DESCRIPTION on one line and make sure that there is a single space
> between them. This should work if your problem is what I think.
> By the way, in such cases you will get more informative messages if you run devtools::check().
> --
> Georgi Boshnakov
> ________________________________________
> From: R-package-devel [r-package-devel-bounces using r-project.org] on behalf of Rampal Etienne [rampaletienne using gmail.com]
> Sent: 01 November 2018 22:40
> To: r-package-devel using r-project.org
> Subject: [R-pkg-devel] nativeRoutines error when using roxygen2 in RStudio
> Since a few weeks (after updating R-devel and Rtools) I get the
> following error when trying to build a package or document it, when
> using roxygen2 in RStudio:
> In R CMD INSTALL Error in nativeRoutines[[lib]] <- routines : object
> 'nativeRoutines' not found Calls: suppressPackageStartupMessages ...
> withCallingHandlers -> <Anonymous> -> load_all -> load_dll Execution halted
> When I disable roxygen2, I do not get this error, but of course the
> documentation is not created.
> I have installed the latest versions of RStudio, Rtools, R-devel,
> roxygen2, pkgload, but the problem persists.
> Does anybody have a clue what is causing this? I am using Windows 10,
> and the package contains Fortran code.
> Kind regards,
> Rampal Etienne
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